10/25/2015 - 1/30/2024
Ragean was half Anatolian and half Great Pyrenees. Rae, as we affectionately call her, is our matriarch and she is very much missed. If there was a definition of a perfect LGD Rae would have been the image used. She was more than spectacular in every way shape and form. Rae left her legacy all over the country, so many loved her even from afar. There will always be a piece of Ragean in our program as there never was a better livestock guardian dog to walk this earth. RIP to our best girl, we will miss you

Echo is 3/4 Great Pyrenees and 1/4 Anatolian. Echo has been with us since birth. She has always been a mama's girl! She worshiped her mother and followed her every step and as a result is her mother to a T! Echo is reliable, nurturing and at times I feel more of a force to reckon than her mother. Echo is a big girl, over 100lbs and she will throw it around when necessary. She has been alongside her mother since her birth and has made her mark here for sure! I have never had to correct her for doing anything she shouldn't... except digging a bed hole where I need to walk! Echo has looked after mares/foals, goats of all ages, cows/calves and chickens. Echo is spayed due to a mammary tumor she developed from being intact and not being bred.

Sioux is an Anatolian Shepherd. Sioux came from a farm that was being sold down in Georgia and we were asked to take her in. She was raised on 30 acres with nubians and cows. She had little human involvement in her raising but that has made her perfect! Sioux is with our Nigerian dwarf does and their kids. She is an incredible lgd and she is a no nonsense kind of girl. She is dedicated to the safety of her does and there isnt a single thing that gets past her. She enjoys being a jungle gym to her kids, or a bridge if they should choose. She is a tough dog but she is not over the top as some anatolians have been labled. Shes amazing and we are honored to have her apart of our farm. Sioux has looked after goats of all ages, cows/calves, rabbits and we do have free range chickens here.

Kyon is a bit of a mix of lgd breeds. He is Karakachan, Maremma, Anatolian, Great Pyrenees, and Akbash. He has some incredible dogs making up his mixed pedigree, though, and its one of the reasons that I didnt hesitate in getting him. Ky is a calm laid back boy until something needs his attention. He is often seen watching the skies and I'm almost sure he caught a hold of a buzzard once as I have found him with a mouthful of buzzard feathers! But his favorite place to sleep is with the chickens! Kyon is an incredible LGD. We are proud to have him here! Kyon is rotated quite a bit around here and is usually with the mares but is also on occasion with goats of all ages and of course the free range chickens go where the please.

Roxy is a daughter of Ragean and a half sister to Echo. She is also half Anatolian and half Great Pyrenees ( her sire was half and half as well). Roxy came back to us because of a dog dynamic issue that just was not settling and the dogs needed split up. Roxy kept digging out to get away from it but never left home. She is a very sweet and has a kind temperament but she is a fabulous alarm system and has often been the first to notice things that needed attention. Roxy is a wonderful LGD and has been wonderful with goats of all ages and free range chickens including baby chicks. She also has been exposed to small pigs and did well there too. I have not had a single digging out incident since she came here despite plenty of opportunities to do so.

Jambo is the son of Ragean and Kyon, which also makes him a bit of a Heinz57 of lgd breeds. He is Karakachan, Maremma, Anatolian, Great Pyrenees, and Akbash. From the very beginning Jambo has reminded us so much of his mother Rae, from the look in his eyes to his mannerisms its like having "Baby Rae" all over again. This dog has some much that I love. He is extremely serious about his job. Jambo is gritty and no joke when it comes to keeping his goats safe. Im extremely proud of this dog and his work ethic and I really love his substance. I think if there was something that Id change about him it would be that he is a tad leggier than Id prefer but what he lacks there he makes up for it in every other category. Im very happy to have him as a member of our breeding program. Jambo is one of our full time goat dogs. He with our Nigerian Dwarf goats alongside our adults. He is also exposed to free ranging chickens.

Azi is the son of Ragean and Kyon, which also makes him a full brother to Jambo. He is Karakachan, Maremma, Anatolian, Great Pyrenees, and Akbash. What excites us about Azi is the consistency that we saw between his litter and Jambo's. The goal is to always breed for this consistency and seeing it in our program is very rewarding. At just 6 months old Azi alerted us to a venomous snake in the pasture. I told him several times to go find something else to do, thinking he was just being a puppy. He was very insistent that I come to him and I was glad I watched his body language closer to see he really was alerting to something. Im so proud of him! Azi looks after our Nigerian Dwarf goats at times as males are often rotated around here. But he is mainly with his father in our larger fields to be our guardian for our horses and chickens. Being in the horse fields makes him one of our first lines of defense as the horses border the goat fields on multiple sides. Azi is picture perfect for me and really is the ideal dog of what I have been after in my program. He really is just perfect from his build to his coat and his maturity. He is everything that I envisioned when I set out on this journey and it makes me really excited for what is to come!

Teja is the daughter of Sioux and Kyon. She is mostly Anatolian with some Karakachan, Maremma, Great Pyrenees, and Akbash from her sire. This pup has had my eye from the beginning. She was the first born and we got to spend some extra time with her as a newborn while her mother whelped but she is literally a mini version of her mother and its been evident from very early on. Im super excited to watch her blossom alongside her mother as she grows up here. Teja is another of our dogs that is full time with the Nigerian Dwarf goats and chickens. At just a year old she is living completely trustworthy with junior Nigerians without an issue. She has endured her first kidding season and was fantastic! This is the level of maturity that I set out for and Im thrilled to have her as a part of our program. She really is an incredible working dog.
Scroll here for pictures of our lgds with our livestock
Planned Breeding

Please check the sales policy page for the price of the puppies as well as how the sales work at our farm

Please note: I WILL NOT SELL A PUPPY BASED ON COLOR!! This is NOT negotiable. I am not breeding these dogs for color, I am breeding them because they meet my standards for quality working dogs. If you are new to LGDs I will guide you to the puppy that seems best suited for what you need. My concern is for the best for the puppies.
Litter planned for SPRING 2025
Both of these dogs are absolutely INCREDIBLE and they are super dedicated to their job. I expect nothing but great things from this litter and they will be sold to working homes.
For sale information please check here. For regular updates please see our Facebook page.