Gypsy Moon WP Celebration VG87
DOB 7/16/2016
buckskin - brown eyed - disbudded
Sire: CH Gypsy Moon SB War Paint EVE90
SS: J-Nels Simba
SSS: Caesars Villa LV Eric
SSD: J-Nels BB Dimples VVEV88
SD: RosaSharn TL Wadaabi
SDS: Rosasharn Tiger L +AE82
SDD: Rosasharn 3XTrouble Sunshine
Dam: Luv Lil Mtn Delightful Robin VEEE90
DS: CH J-Nels HM Hes a Chipper Boy EVE90
DSS: Split-Creek Hummer H3X +VE84
DSD: J-Nels ER Dumplin VEEE90
DD: SGCH J-Nels GP Caramel Delight EEEE92
DDS: J-Nels SQ Gray Poupon
DDD: Little Tots Estate Kniphofia
Celebration unfortunately has Cancer and as a result is full retired to live out the rest of her days.
CDCB data
Buffalo Clover A Voodoo Doll 4*M
DOB 6/10/2017
buckskin - brown eyed - disbudded
Sire: Buffalo Clover Arthur *B VVE87
SS: Little Tot's Estate Thalictrum +B EEE92
SSS: Little Tot's Estate Tsuga VVE88
SSD: Brush Creek Mercy
SD: GCH Buffalo Clover Princess *D VEEE91
SDS: AGS Woodhaven Farms Patriot
SDD: AGS Bluebonnet Farm Baby Ruth
Dam: Buffalo Clover Voodoo 3*M VVV+86
DS: Rosasharn NP Paulownia +*B +VE84
DSS: Rosasharn AX Noble Prince *B VVV88
DSD: Rosasharn CB Princess Linden Tree 6*M ++VV85
DD: CH Buffalo Clover Vieux Carve' 2*M VEEE90
DDS:CH/PGCH/MCH AGS Buffalo Clover Valentino++B+S EEE91
DDD: SGCH Buffalo Clover Delta Dawnn 1*M VEEE90
Pictures courtesy of Bucktopia and Buffalo Clover
Show Wins
-Grand Champion in ring 1 @Carolina Classic hosted by Gypsy Moon
-Grand Champion in youth ring @Carolina Classic hosted by Gypsy Moon
5CRanch Liberty's Merci 1*M
DOB 4/1/20
black - brown eyed - polled - moonspotted
Sire: Caprinew D Lorcan
SS: Gaelic Roots PD Dubliner *B
SSS: Castle Rock Penny Dreadful *B AVV80 (Elite)
SSD: Leisure Time TT Cinco De Mayo ++E+84
SD: Caprinew A Joy
SDS: Trilogy Ranch HB Asiago VEE86
SDD: Trilogy Ranch RB Annika VVVV87
Dam: Crosby Lake Farm Lady Liberty
DS: Wooly Dog Down Eagle +V+81
DSS: Sweet Garden FC Johann Strauss
DSD: SGM PP Bathsheda VVVV87
DD: Archer's Acres HL Glory
DDS: Victory Farm High Score Hoyt
DDD: Holden Creek Farms LoriDarlin'
Show Wins