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Hawk Vom Zwinger Grenz 


Hawk is my main man here! He is my constant companion and often is with me if we ever meet up. Hawk has been training all his life in American Schutzhund and he has earned his BT and was working towards his AS1 when life unfortunately got in the way and training had to be halted due to time constraints and me be completely exhausted on our drives to training. It just became unsafe and I felt it was best. There is no doubt in my mind that he would have completed his titles and maybe sometime we can get back to it but right now we are taking a break.

Dragon Vom Konighaus


Zym is my sons dog. This boy had to earn this dog by proving himself with taking on the responsibility of caring for our livestock guardian dogs and get Kyon to behave at feeding time with the manners that we require of our working dogs. Pictures of this duo are hard to come by as neither will pose, but they are glued together in nothing short of cuteness and Im so happy that he has a best friend to grow up with. Zym is the perfect dog for my son.



Hallie is our one and only indoor kitty and she belongs to my oldest son. The two of them sleep together and she absolutely adores him with every ounce of her being. Whats funny about this is that Hallie was supposed to be my husbands cat. He begged me for years for another indoor cat. Im not fond of indoor cats as they are always into things and places that drive me crazy! But Hallie won that for him and then chose our son to be her human! Thankfully though Hallie is a pretty good cat and gives us very little trouble.


birthday unknown

Onyx was one of our meat rabbits that was intended to be slaughtered but she caught the eye of one of my sons and was spared and has lived her life with us since. She is a good bun and we have enjoyed her. She lives indoors and my son adores her. She is getting older now but we really arent sure how old she is at this point in time. We have had her for 5 years but she was gotten in a breeder clear out as an adult.

Barn Cats

These girls help keep the rodents, including squirrel numbers down here on the farm.

Buffy was a very sweet stray that we took in and she has made our farm hers for several years now. She is extremely nosey about things that go on here and will venture into open cars!


KitKat is very much our squirrel cat! This girl will even get on the roof of our house quite often chasing them!


Shade is incredible help rodent population control, and a very sweet girl.

Bonnie is KitKats little mini-me! And despite being young, she has already begun contributing to rodent control. We are thrilled to have this young girl here to help!


We have lots of chickens here that free range. This property has LOTS of very large and old trees and with those trees comes the leaves. These guys help us to keep the leaves from creating those havens for bugs inlcluding gnats and flies that are extremely annoying. They also of course provide eggs and help with snake and rodent control as well and poop spreaders.

Cowgirl With A Heart

2004 AQHA mare


Oakley is nothing short of special. She has been with us for nearly a decade now and she has been one awesome mare to own. She is solid and steady and realiable all the time every time. She is a favorite of the vets because she is so easy to deal with, which is funny because this mare isnt a pushover! She is boss mare through and through but she loves attention and really tolerates just about anything with ease. Oakley was a trained reiner but really didnt get the show time that she could have gotten in her younger years due to just falling through the cracks. She really has a spectacular pedigree and spectacular conformation to go with it.